Is Azerbaijan Europe?

Azerbaijan is the ex-Soviet Union Republic situated between the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea and can be considered a cultural and commercial bridge connecting Europe and Asia.

But is Azerbaijan a European or an Asian Country?
Some historians believe that Azerbaijan, being a country in the southern part of Caucasus, may be considered part of Asia, while others, also considering Azerbaijan through centuries, believe that it must be doubtlessly considered part of Europe.
Azerbaijan is a secular country and has been part of the European Council since 2001.

The country became a democracy quite recently in 1991 after splitting from the Soviet Union on 31st of August 1991, with the official name of Republic of Azerbaijan.
The European Union’s bilateral relations with Azerbaijan are based on the EU-Azerbaijan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement in place since 1999.
The country was the 43rd member state joining the European Council.

So even though from the geographical point of view, Azerbaijan is located in Asia, geopolitically and culturally, it is mostly connected to the Eastern European region.
In conclusion, Azerbaijan is a member of the Council of Europe, but it is not a member of the European Union. Azerbaijan is one of the six independent Turkic states and an active member of the Turkic Council and the TÜRKSOY community.

In 2004, Azerbaijan joined the European Neighborhood Policy, which aims to create collective international cooperation in the East and South of the European Union territory in Europe. The countries that are part of the policy will be allowed to be part of the European Union in the future.

Azerbaijan and Europe have been tied together for centuries, and this resulted in ongoing relations with the EU-Azerbaijan energy cooperation.